Junior Leadership Team (JLT)
Lead Teacher - Mrs Thomas
What is a Junior Leadership Team?
A Junior Leadership Team is group of students who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and work together to improve their school. We follow a democratic process to elect the Leaders. If they wish to become a Junior Leader, the pupils must complete a short application form expressing why they feel they will be a member of the team. They then present their views to their class and a secret vote takes place.
Who are the Junior Leadership Team?
At Scawsby Junior Academy, we have at least 5 representatives from each year group that form part of the Junior Leadership Team.
What do the Junior Leadership Team do?
The Junior Leadership Team meet staff every week and discuss issues that are important to the children. They have an agenda which they create, a member of the JLT takes the minutes and another chairs the meeting.
They JLT meet with the governing body regularly to share their work with them.
They also have a higher level of input into the monitoring of the impact of the changes and improvements across the school and they contribute to the school self-evaluation document (SEF). Other areas they focus on include: The ‘Going for 5ive’ Project, Outdoor Learning, Curriculum enrichment and wider opportunities.
The pupils talk confidently about the role in setting the class behaviour expectations and are clear about the sanctions and rewards, understand the difference between right and wrong and the importance of fairness
How can you become a member of the Junior Leadership Team?
Junior Leaders must model our School Values.