Remote Learning
Remote Education
Our remote learning package is still live and will continue to be used as and when necessary. Each child has a Microsoft password to allow them to access Teams for their remote learning sessions.
If you need your child’s login details again please contact the school office.
Scawsby Junior Academy may provide remote education if:
Pupils are unable to attend school in person due to unplanned closures, for example, due to adverse weather
The school is required to close or restrict pupil attendance because there are higher than normal levels of staff absence, for example due to strike action
In exceptional cases, a child might also be unable to attend for medical reasons but well enough to learn from home, for example recovering from a short-term infectious illness or preparing for or recovering from an operation.
We will also use Class Dojo regularly to share homework and ongoing learning throughout the year.
We use Microsoft Teams for our remote learning provision. Pupils can access this by logging in using their unique school set password and username.
If your child does not have access to the internet or technology at home then please get in contact with us as there are several ways we can support to make sure that they get access to all the learning that they are entitled to.
What sort of work will be set?
The amount of work set will be, on average, four hours per day for Key Stage 2. This will be a mixture of watching LIVE lessons, recorded lessons, completing work (both on the computer and away from it as four hours staring at a screen can get too much) and live check ins and feedback. Each morning and afternoon session will begin with a LIVE register and check-in for each class. We appreciate that the reasons around the need for remote learning may be challenging for families, so please just do your best and judge it around your child's mental state. If they are becoming demotivated then encourage them to continue (as we want them to have resilience) but you may have to stop, do something else and then come back to it later.
The work will be uploaded by the class teacher, through Teams or Class Dojo, and will continue the learning that either was due to be taught in class (if the bubble is self-isolating) or reflects the work being taught in class (for individual pupils self-isolating).
This will be a mixture of teacher produced resources and activities as well as commercially available online resources such as Oak National Academy, BBC BItesize, MyMaths and Timestable Rockstars. Whichever activity or resource best fits the learning will be chosen rather than just using one source.
The activities set will be downloadable in formats that will be accessible to all (for example text may be put direct onto the activity page on Teams or converted to PDF to enable it to be read by any device.) There will also be a range of activities to 'go off and do' to ensure that children are not having to sit in front of the screen all the time.
We do not expect children to have to print anything off to be marked. They can type straight into Teams, take a photo or save a document and upload it. They will then get feedback on their work from their teacher and the class can have discussions so that they can talk about what went well and what would be even better if... The teacher can also address misconceptions and difficulties that the pupils may have and plan the next steps of learning.
If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?
We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:
The academy works with all pupils to ensure there are no barriers preventing them from accessing remote learning. This includes;
Providing appropriate and safe devices for pupils to access the remote learning offer.
Providing guidance and support to access funding sources for data and internet access where needed in order for pupils to sustainably access the remote learning offer.
Providing worksheets and learning texts in pdf format so that it is accessible on most devices
Providing home packs which include any stationery and reading books, so that all can access and continue to learn through remote learning. These resources are aligned to and mirror, the digital remote learning programme in such a way so that no pupil is disadvantaged or will experience gaps in their learning
How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?
Attendance of remote learning will be taken at appropriate intervals during the day. These are usually morning and afternoon online registration and check-in sessions. At times of absence due to any technological issues or barriers;
The academy will be in touch that day to discuss and support addressing these barriers ahead of the follow day’s sessions.
Where there has been absence not due to technological barriers;
The academy will, in the first instance, make a phone call to the home. These checks and calls will be performed regularly in order to check welfare of pupils and support pupils’ engagement in learning in line with attendance expectations.
At all stages we will work together with parents, carers and pupils to support their engagement and attendance. We will offer support and advice to parents and carers whenever it is required.
Additional support for pupils with additional needs
Support for SEND pupils - All provisions for remote learning will be subject to the year group’s age, ability, and/or any SEND. To support teachers, pupils with SEND and EHCPs will also be supported by the Inclusion team and SENCo to ensure that any remote learning that takes place meets their needs and individual targets. In exceptional circumstances, the school may reduce its curriculum offer to enable pupils to cope with the workload – the Headteacher and SENCo will assess this need, keeping pupils’ best interests in mind, and will not take the decision lightly.
Pupils receive feedback in several different ways. These are balanced and appropriate to support teacher, pupils and purpose. These include;
In the moment feedback during live sessions, through teacher / pupil interaction
General marking of work submitted/ uploaded
Written feedback, sent through Class Dojo or Teams and linked to the pupil’s work.
Arrangement of 1:1 online sessions at various point