School Dinners

School Meals

A balanced two course meal, which is a choice menu, is available for all children attending school. The cost of the meal is fixed by the Authority and is, at present,  £2.80 per day, £14.00 per week.  As we are a cashless environment, dinner money should be paid via our online payment provider  You will receive an activation letter with personnel details for registering an account.  

Packed Lunches

We operate a no chocolate, sweets,nuts (including nut products e.g. Nutella) or hot liquids (e.g. soup/pastas) policy. This includes no thermus flasks as we are unable to offer suitable food safety storage in classrooms, and so cannot ensure they maintain safe temperatures or protect children from accidental burns and scolds.

Keeping Food Safe - advice for Parents/Carers

Ensure packed lunches are kept in a clean air tight container or bag.

Use a freezer gel/ice pack.